Mar 27, 2008

One, Two, Three, Four, FIF!!!

          It's said that a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Well in this day and age with all that's going on; Wars in Irak, Iran, North Korea, pretty much the whole world, Possibly the first black president at our doorstep, Hilary fighting dirty, Congestion Pricing, MTA raising fairs and tolls, this economic depression, the real-estate market, the US dollar being reduced to one level above mud, and how can we not mention GAS!!! With ALLL of that, I feel like this picture is worth more than a 1,000 words, it's one of the best satirical representation of these harsh times EVER!!! If this doesn't encompass the day to day sentiment of an average american, scratch that, the average human on the planet, what does!?!?

Yours Truly,
~Harlem H.~

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