Nov 16, 2014


I suppose you should "allow me to reintroduce myself" (I don't think I need to mention you should read that in your best mocked version of a Jay Z voice). If you care enough to scroll back a few swipes you will see it has been a little bit since I've last spoken to you, my semi-non existent digital audience. 

(Not to stray too far but don't you ever wonder how you can have so few followers and your google analytics shows you have about 22,000 blog views.... #ijs)

Since I've been here last there have been some major changes in my life. The most significant is my introduction to fitness. The arts have always been a passion of mine; writing, production, photography and my first love, Music. Recently (the past 2 years or so...) I have found fitness, as a lifestyle. Not to say that I am a "jock" or "gym rat" however, fitness is surely an ever present theme for me. I've been what I called "skinny fat" for practically my entire adult life. Its a difficult thing being "skinny" (wrote a post about that much earlier on) although most won't see it that way. Most people see being "skinny" as a benefit or a perk. I'll tell you skinny folks have a whole other set of issues. Being perceived as weak, scared or just not being noticed at all. At least being larger, you command attention but who's trying to debate which struggle is more real? All that to say, I'll still be blogging about current events, social issues and things I have a particular gripe over. However, there will be fitness inserted into each of these areas. So, if your the type of person to complain about somebody posting a  #wootd (work out of the day) or #FitLife post, this isn't for you because that WILL happen. However, I don't intended to flood your frontal lobes with inspirational memes and/or guilt-trip-to-the-gym posts either. I want to share my life and happenings with you wonderful readers through the lens of me. Can't say I'll get it all in these here posts, but I invite you in on the parts I do capture and share with the bloggersphere. 

Looking forward to the comments to come! 


Nov 29, 2009


The Video is a very grainy but it's still hilarious as fuck to me! lol. So in the spirit of family over the next few month. . . Here is ur "Grandaddy..."

Gobble Gobble, Ho Ho... Gobble Ho Gobble... GOBBLE BITCH!!

So, as the holiday season officially kicks off. I'll just repost a couple of my recent facebook status just so you can get an idea of how I think about this interesting time of year. *as if you couldn't guess lol*

Turkey Day @ 10:25 am (25Comments):

"HAPPY White-People-Fuck-Up-Yet-ANOTHER- Flourishing-Civilization-Rape-the-Women-and-Institutionalize-Selfhate-and-Genocide-Day!!! Yaayyy!"

Black Friday @ 11:27am:

"So now that we've stuffed ourselves beyond any definition of gluttony & vice. Lets go out & spend a profuse amount of $ we don't have; ruin our credit 2 purchase products from capitalist companies w/corrupt CFO's & CEO's that would as soon kill us then sell to us in the NAME OF JESUS! MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY FRIDAY! (FYI: Historically, Jesus was probably born sometime during the SUMMER. Let THAT marinate!)"

Nov 21, 2009

Harold Says:

"You don't have to love your government to be a good american. you just have to love your country."

Nov 16, 2009