Aug 24, 2007

I'll Spell Check This Later...

Ok, all, I'm heading back to this dry ass town for a while. So that means my creativity will be zapped! If you have ever been to buffalo you'll understand. It's like kryptonite to all things alive! It just sucks the life out of you second by second. I'll do what I can to keep it up. I promise to fight the good fight. I can't lie, I have enjoyed all the conversations I've been getting into after the last few posts. Although I feel like I lost a friend or two and I have found out that people aren't always what they seem. I think it's been a good thing in spite of the bad. If there is one thing you will be able to say about me when I'm gone is I'll never say something about you that I won't say too you. You'll always know how I feel about things or what I think. But that's a tangent. Bringing it back... I appreciate all the talk and thought and I hope to keep you all talking and thinking. I have some posts I'm working on. Some a little lighter than the last few. Too much thinking is just as bad as too little. So stay "tuned" and wish me luck in this abyss known only ass Buffa-Ho...


P.S. Keep those youtube links coming... and if you find anything else interesting or of note please send it my way. I'll blow it up more than Katrina Williams (the fellas know what I mean, LOL!).

Aug 22, 2007

The Google Monster Has You...

Wow, so I think I made "blogger" mad... you know all the help boxes and tutorials that they put on the Dashboard when you first log in (for those of you that don't... they do that). Well now since my last blog, THEY TOOK THEM DOWN!!! LMAO! I just thought that would be funny for some people to read. I mean I assumed that the CIA and the FBI and the rest of the federal government would have me on some big ass list of "people that we need to watch" because of all the language I used in the "Enraged at the Oppressor" post. But I didn't think they'd let me know! lol. And blogger, I'm disappointed with you. I thought this was a platform for free speech. I hope you do that to all of your "Controversial" bloggers. I have read some very enraging blogs concerning Black people, Immigrants, and some other "minority groups" (Which actually are more of the population than white people! So who's the minority) and I hope they are getting the same treatment as I. But something tells me the Google-Monster isn't giving them such a hard time...

Ok, all lets see how far I can take this before I just straight up get a phone call like "Sir, we need to bring you down town for a moment..." If I come up missing y'all I wanna see some "FREE HARLEM" Tee's lol. I want puffy to make a song about it. And I want Michael Moore to go to the president about it in his next film. AND I want the Black Israelites to Chant my name on 125th street and scare the white tourist that come on those big ass buses to stare at us like monkeys at the Zoo (as long as it's still the REAL 125th street... those starbucks are popping up all over the place.... We don't have much long people!! They are HERE!) lol...

Ok, I'm done. Just thought I'd share...


P.S. Yes White folks, coming through Harlem on that funky ass “Big Apple” tour bus with your cameras and shit is the most disrespectful, degrading, enraging, thing EVER and that’s exactly how we take it… IF you want to tour where we live just GO there. Get on the train get you a little map like you do down town and just walk around and see the sights. This is NOT the safari and we are NOT animals…. Think about how you treat others!

P.P.S. Ok, I’ma leave white people alone for a while… I still gotta get a job and if I make them all mad to early I’m screwed. LOL! but really ☹

Aug 21, 2007

Still Enraged. . . Shall I Explain.

Ok, so, now that we have that out of the way… let me write a little more articulately. For those who had a hard time reading through the curses and the acerbic nature of my last post the point that I was trying to really drive home is that white people are all apart of this global economic system of oppression, if not through direct prejudice and discrimination themselves, simply through using and enjoying that privilege. Because there is no way that a white person can totally avoid using their “white privilege” and because that white privilege always comes at a price of the disenfranchisement of another, that would make every white person apart of this oppressive system. Furthermore, no white person would forgo their white privilege (if they could, because that is not a choice that one white individual can make based on the nature of the interdependent system of which I speak) or even attempt to rectify the issues caused directly by their culture or moral (or immoral; depending on who you ask) values. And that is to be expected. Malcolm X said “Power is never given… it can only be taken....” So why should I expect a white man I have never met and will never know to sell his house because his grandfather lynched the man that out bid him for the property. I shouldn’t. His argument would be “It wasn’t me, it was my grandfather. Why should I have to pay for his crimes?” To that I would simply say “Because I do…”

It has been the record of white culture to oppress others, not indefinitely (well not overtly anyway), but just long enough to be able to turn to them when they are finally aware of what the ramifications of the white culture’s Genocide, Homicide, Gentrification, eradication of said groups culture, religion, civilization, value systems and pretty much everything about that culture, and say “That was so long ago. Just get over it.” Well, that’s just not good enough for me. That is most of the reason why I’m so livid at white culture, people, and values. A lot of white people want to pretend that things are long over and done with… but when we have PRESENT day (like a month ago) cases like the Jenah 6 and James Bird a few years ago… how can we “get over it.” Very often we hear terms like “isolated incident” and “Hate Crimes.” That lends a sense of rarity to these occurrences. But when something is happening in the hundreds or thousands every year. How “isolated” is the incident. When a particular kind of behavior is generally practiced at what point does it go from being a “hate crime” (when people are actually pursued) to just being “the way we treat those people?”

Lastly, I would like to address the point of:

“You would do the same thing.”

That is a point I really disagree with. The idea that given the same situation Black people, Latino people, Asian people… would all do the same things, take the same courses of action as our White counter parts. I find that people say that to make themselves feel better. Naturally if you think that somebody else would make the same bad choices you did, you feel less guilty about making them. But just as no two people would act the same in a given situation I don’t think any two groups would either. Sociology teaches us that just like people have values and morals and particular ethics that are constant in particular groups. Groups also have their own “personalities” so to speak. For example, ask any real black person (If you are confused about what I mean by “real” read W.E.B. DuBois’ – Talented Tenth Theory”) how do you treat your elders. I promise that the answer will generally be the same around the globe; Respect, Love, Care, Obedience, the lot. However, I can’t honestly say that is a trait I see in every culture. So if one group decides to kill off all the old people and that is wrong in the greater world. When another group pulls their card about it, it would not be fair to say “Oh, you would have done the same thing in my position” as justification for your actions. I DID! They are different groups with different values. Moreover, even if that were true, another group DID NOT take that action. You did, so YOU should be held accountable. If I kill a man, and every one in the world would have probably killed him too for whatever reason I did, the fact remains that they didn’t kill him…

If you value money, property, ownership, and capitalism, the way you act and treat people will reflect your values (i.e. Apartheid, Genocide, Holocaust, Slavery, Capitalism, Gentrification, WW1 and 2 (I know what everyone is going to say “they bombed pearl harbor first… but ask why!?). If you value, Nature, Community, Knowledge, Beauty, Family, and so on… your culture’s actions will reflect that also (i.e. the color blue (if your Haitian you know what I mean), Marijuana (originally used by native peoples at PEACE ceremonies), Math, What we now know as “Gun Powder.” (created in Asia originally for ceremonial use and was turned into a weapon by… you guessed it!), and lastly, most peaceful religions (and for ANYONE who is going to sit up here and spit some propaganda about how all Muslims want to do is blow stuff up I’ll say this… AS A CHRISTIAN I know that Islam doesn’t have nearly as much blood on it’s hands as Christianity. This is not a fact, but I’d bet that more people have died in the name of Jesus by the sword then any other religion.

In conclusion, I realize that my delivery in my last blog was harsh. But I do not apologize for what I said and I will not apologize for my delivery. Those are just words on a page. I have received no apology for my grandmother not being able to sit where she pleases or to patronize the places she’s worked, I have received no apology for my grandfather only being able to be a cook in the army when he can shoot a moving target from hundreds of yards, I have received NO apology from the U.S. for slavery although the Jews have received one for the holocaust (which DIDN’T EVEN HAPPEN HERE!), I have received no apology from the man that follows me and my best friend David around the store when somewhere along the lines of 65% of kleptomaniacs are NOT black, I have received no apology for a New Orleans and I probably never will… My people are dying every day. They are being consciously exterminated! And if you as a white person will do nothing but sit and let your people exterminate mine, benefiting all the while, then I will NOT apologize to you. I have not lied here at all, and I have been brought up to not apologize for the truth. If you think or know that anything I said here is untrue please tell me and I will talk with you and we can converse. ☺

I hope that this is clearer and helps many people understand the plight of the none-white world. Being in a world where you have to beg and scrape to get thrown a bone from the man whose only reason for his position is his skin color and his people’s history of theft and killing [your own people] is hard, frustrating and emotionally devastating. And for that, I think I have a right to vent and express the TRUTH.

I’ll leave on this note…

“A white, one-legged, bus boy, wouldn’t trade places with me. And I’m RICH!”
~Chris Rock~

Aug 20, 2007

Enraged at "The Oppressor"

*no spell check, no edit. RAW!*

So, I’ll set the tone right now! White people are the Devil. PERIOD! Read what I say and if you can say I’m wrong or argue with me at ALL with out using the word “feel” or “Think” but, “KNOW” “IS” “or “FACT” than respond. If not, shut the FUCK up!

So, what major BAD thing on the planet in the history of the planet and bad things is/has NOT been DIRECTLY caused by white people. Slavery, whitey; Native American Genocide, Whitey; Apartheid, Whitey; Flies… that’s right those little annoying animals that are all over the globe come from Europe and are native to there and didn’t exist anywhere else but there and the white man spread them when they started sticking there dirty ass hands in other places. Along with the rats, small pox, the plague, and a plethora of other bad things. But back to major bad shit… Holocaust, whitey (and THAT was aimed at OTHER WHITE PEOPLE); the crusades, whitey; Hiroshima/Nagasaki, whitey… and this list continues.

Do I sound mad, cause I am? This is ridiculous. It’s amazing to me how they are so corrupt and just straight evil and NOBODY cares. We have even been tricked in to celebrating the oppression of other oppressed people with our fucking oppressors. What the hell do you think thanksgiving is! I’m a guilty participant myself. We all sit around and celebrate the founding of this death machine known as America with these crackers as if we don’t know what the Natives went through. As if anybody who’s NOT white can’t relate to their pain. We sit with these fucking okie-doke white folk like “hooray for America.” FUCK America. Honestly America isn’t shit. Now I know all the white people are like “Well, you have more opportunity here than anywhere else. Even if it isn’t perfect.” Well, that is true. But only because YOU fucked up everywhere else too! You created the situations elsewhere that make America the best choice. So it’s not like everywhere is treating their people so bad. It’s not like America offers all these opportunities so gracefully to it’s people. That is NOT the case. It’s more like America MADE things so bad elsewhere through oppression, raping the land, STEALING the resources, and KILLING the people that there is nowhere left to go BUT America it’s like choosing between a glass full of shit or a glass full of piss for anyone who’s not white. But the White man shit and pissed in BOTH GLASSES and HE’S the one asking you to choose. They say things on the news like:

“There were some tough decisions to be made and we analyzed the situation and concluded that the best course of action was the relocate all the possible candidates for that area to a reformed area that has recently been allocated for these individuals”

Because most black people or anyone other than whitey knows what the FUCK that means we get caught out there. But what that really says is…. “We had to choose between them or us. I don’t want to live in that piece of shit so I’m going to sell it to these niggers and let them pay for me to live over here where it’s nice with the money they will have to pay me to live over there in that piece of crap projects that I bought but never planned to live it cause it’s not good enough for me but the niggers should take it and be happy they aren’t homeless.”
Point blank period, America is bullshit and so are white people all over the world. You give me a problem in the world that affects a Country, Continent or any major group or social structure and I BET that WHITE people PURPOSFULLY engineered that bitch. I have ONE white friend. ONE! And I don’t plan on making anymore… and if the revolution ever comes I’ll stand up for him. But the rest of you crackers better watch out cause WHEVER I see you, it’s going to be a “misunderstanding”

Lastly, I encourage all to comment and "Tell 'em why you mad." Or if what I said just made you feel or think anything at all. I'd just like to know we are at least feeling or thinkg about SOMETHING...

Jena 6 >>>

Aug 7, 2007

"Welcome Back"

Ok ok ok... so I have been out of the loop for some time now. Normally I don't like to broadcast my life online but I feel it's only right since I know a few people have been checking for my new *ish and it's hasn't been up. I have been taking summer classes and working and moving and all this at once. July was a horrible month for me as far as just NOT HAVING TIME... like I say, 24 hours is just not enough... So I had to prioritize, and unfortunately, Blogging came up short on the list of "Life Decisions" but I'm back now with my normal ranting self. I'm going to post this last poem. It got me an A in the Creative writing class I took and it also won me 50 bucks at a contest my profs. entered it in... so let me know what you think and after you can say by to the poetry, well at least for a while... However I WILL be trying to step my public reading up so check for me at your local poetry reading and hit me up if you know of any open mics... enjoy

[What We Are]

What is a poet really?
I’ll tell you so you hear me.
When you read me on the page
It’s like I'm standing on a stage!
Our words ring out like the loudest sound you never got a chance to hear
But if this was a concert everyone would be there.
When my words choose to fail me I just pick up a pen.
Let the ink flow on the page, sit, and sink in...
It’s like there's honey in my quill because the words are so sweet,

Lets get rid of the scheme and throw away these measured feet.

A poet is a profit, so don’t try to stop him
Words ordained by god and lyrically proper.
So when you see me try to be me because if that were the case
The world would be better off not this shameful disgrace;
Inflation, Taxation, increased causation, heart disease, STD’s, and throw in a little gentrification, rigged elections, bill collections always calling your phone
But where’s all that personal attention when it’s time for mortgage loans?
Politicians come in to your house every four years like clock work
And the three between we wonder why we can’t find work, health insurance, a dime or a dream.
If ideology was a crack you and me are the fiends.
Just like a drug it sells itself all the they have to do is put it up on the shelf
Hilary has Haze - Obama got marijuana, and bush has picked up the rock.
For those that don’t know it means he has crack in his palm.
We need to turn off mtv AND cnn,
You want some real news look around where you live.
There are signs everywhere,
Bright like head lights.
As a people we’ve been distracted no wonder you can’t see through the vice,
And if you don’t believe me just drive around your city.
If it’s not NY, LA, Chicago or Philly,
I’m sure you have a section where you just don’t go
People struggling so hard you just call them Po’.
They can afford the O R,
So they just get sick and die
I’ll just stop right here cause I know everyone’s confused.
Kind of like wondering how you got stuck holding the fuse.
You can’t pass it to the left or the right cause nobody wants it.
How about we all grab it together,
In the end we are all tethered.
Just close your eyes and say goodbye
This was the last poem

~J.E. Ebanks~