A few days ago a good few friends of mine said something along the lines of "hey jay, what's good. We are having an event at our school in connecticut and would love for you to attend." Naturally I said "SURE GUYS, no doubt." Once I said that I immidietly started calling around at my job to see if anyone was avaliable to fill for me while I was out for the days of the event.
Let's back track a little just so you have some sort of frame of refference. My job had these point systems where they track attendence. It's VERY inadiquait but hey, it is what it is. When you have unexcused absences they are called "occurneces." 9 of those within a year and you get "diciplinary action." Basically it's a write up. You don't want that. So the point is I have over half of my 9 and I'm not looking to keep racking them up. For the record, you get them for ANYTHING. being 1min late (litterally), not wearing the right color, raising your voice at a supirior ANYTHING. So nine may SEEM like a lot. But when EVERTHING counts those are taken up QUICKLY.
Ok, so I'm calling around and NOBODY is available. It doesn't help that the time I need someone for is a sunday. the ONE day that people are admit about NOT working or having be a "personal" day. So a few days go by and I'm thinking "Damn, I really want to go to this event but I WILL NOT be able to find anyone to take it." Well, I had one last option. We have this thing called a "trade board." It's not a real board it's virtual. You can post your schedule on it and if somebody else is free and would like to cover for you they can assign their name to it, you get an email saying your no longer responsible for the schedule, you thank them and it's done. Needless to say that SUNDAY schedules usually sit there for sometime, lol. However, somebody was gracious enough to cover my sunday schedule, HAZAA!! I'm FREE!
Naturally I start planning out my weekend. Now I didn't post my whole sunday schedule just the former half because I didn't want to have to wake up early after being out the night before and just risk the chance of over sleeping. So I adjusted it to be in at 6pm. I know what you're thinking even after a night out, being to work by 6pm is TOTALLY doable. and your right, for everyone EXCEPT me :-/.
SO naturally I make my schedule, adjust my time, go out have a great time get ready for work with a little time left for myself and I think. Damn, I'm really tired. I didnt get much slee
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